Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Meeting for Worship

In person and on Zoom every First Day (Sunday)
at 10 am EST.
And on Zoom every Wednesday at 7:00PM
If you wish to participate on Zoom, please call one of our co-clerks for information.

Meeting Location:
Havurah House

56 N. Pleasant St.
Middlebury, VT 05753
directions | map

Our Co-Clerks are:

Karen Way
kway.psych at
Ruah Swennerfelt
ruahswennerfelt at


Meeting for Business

Committees (to come)

Minutes and Documents

State of the Meeting Reports

Other Links

Northwest Quarterly Meeting

New England Yearly Meeting

Friends Committee on National Legislation


Who are Quakers, and what do they believe?

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) emerged out of the theological dissension and turmoil of 17th century England. Our founder, George Fox, was a deeply spiritual person, earnestly seeking divine guidance.

He was unable to find a home in the steeple houses of his day; their priests and ministers did not help him along his quest. One day he had an epiphany and heard a voice tell him There is one, even Jesus Christ who can speak to thy condition. That simple message transformed his life, was the foundation of his belief and has become the foundation of Quaker faith and action.

From that moment on Fox preached a radical new gospel, that all human beings could communicate directly with the divine without intersession by another human being, that what he called the Inner Light was available to us all. He called upon his rapidly growing band of followers to walk cheerfully over the Earth, answering that of God in everyone.

By these simple statements he calls us to respect and treat all persons as our equals before God, regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs or social status. We are not to exploit, enslave, discriminate against or act violently towards any other human being. We are called to witness for peace, social justice and stewardship of our planet.

There is a broad spectrum of worship practice among Quakers but all emphasize a time of expectant waiting on the leadings of the Holy Spirit. At Middlebury Friends Meeting we gather in that expectant but not empty silence: During worship, all present may speak or remain silent as they are moved by that Spirit.

Before we were called Quakers (which name is a story by itself) Friends were often referred to as Seekers after Truth. We welcome any such seekers to our spiritual community.

- Drafted by Stewart Kirkaldy, July 2008

For more information about Middlebury Friends Meeting contact Doug Way at
papadougway at
or call 908/616-4888